Web Administrator's Guide
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Email Setup

Email Setup

Please Note: Demo sites do not include domain name service or email accounts.

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Email Setup: Email Server Settings

Settings for IMAP with SSL are used within the Email Setup help section. If your internal system configurations require non-SSL ports, please the the chart below for the full list of available servers and ports.
Incoming Server Type: Server Name: Port:
IMAP imap.emailsrvr.com 143
IMAP with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 993
POP3 pop.emailsrvr.com 110
POP3 with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 995
Outgoing Server Type: Server Name: Port:
SMTP with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 465
SMTP smtp.emailsrvr.com 25, 587, 8025 or 2525
WARNING: When using IMAP, do not edit an existing email account. You must use the Add a new email account feature or you will lose your current email.
Outgoing servers require SMTP authentication. Microsoft Outlook users will need to manually enable this feature.
Note: When entering your User Name, please enter your entire email address (e.g., someone@mydomain.com).
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Email Setup: Initial Setup

To complete the initial setup of your email account(s) in our system, please send a list of desired mailboxes and passwords to customer support.
NOTE: Each mail box comes with a 25 GB storage capacity. Attachments greater than 50 MB in size cannot be sent through our mail server. 


  1. you@yourdomain.com - yourpassword
  2. someoneelse@yourdomain.com - herpassword
  3. anotherperson@yourdomain.com - hispassword

Password Requirements:

  1. Cannot be “password”
  2. Cannot contain domain name
  3. Cannot contain your user name, which is always your email address
  4. Cannot contain a numeric sequence more than 3 characters
  5. Must be at least 6 characters long
NOTE: Because passwords are case sensitive, be sure to type your password exactly as you would like it entered.
Although initial account setup is usually completed within 1 business day, due to domain name propagation, you may not have access to your email account(s) for up to 3 business days from the time of your order. 
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Email Setup: Email Administration

If you would like to be able to manage the email accounts for your domain name, please send an email with the following information to customer support (you can also reply to your original order confirmation):
  1. Site ID Number (this will be your Administrative ID for login purposes)
  2. Domain Name
  3. A Password that is at least 7 characters long
  4. Administrator's First Name
  5. Administrator's Last Name
  6. Administrator's Email Address (preferably an alternate that is not on our system - for login retrieval purposes)
  7. Security Question - Choose one of the following:
    • What is the name of your favorite childhood friend?
    • What is your oldest cousin's first and last name?
    • What was the last name of your 3rd grade teacher?
    • In what city does your nearest sibling live?
    • What is your maternal grandmother's maiden name?
  8. Security Answer
NOTE: Because passwords are case sensitive, be sure to type your password exactly as you would like it entered.
You will be able to manage the accounts from any computer connected to the Internet by going to https://mymail.websrvcs.com.  Enter your Site ID for the Administrative ID and your password and click the Login button. Once you are logged in, click Add/Edit Mailbox to setup and manage email accounts. Click Manage Aliases to setup and manage email forwarding accounts.
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Email Setup: Retrieving Email Using the Webmail System

In addition to using an email client, you can access your email from any computer connected to the Internet by going to https://webmail.websrvcs.com. Enter your email address for the username and your password and click the Login button. Once you have logged in to the webmail system, click the help link in the upper right-hand corner of any webmail screen for more information on using webmail.